Daily Revolt

August 06, 2006

Israel Blitzkrieg Day 26

Israel has a quagmire on its hands. It has failed at achieving what they set out to do. Instead the bombing of Israel by Hezbollah has gotten worse. This despite assurances by the Israel government that they had destroyed the enemies infrastructure.

What now? Is the administration rethinking the policy of what Tim Russert described as "giving Israel, in effect, a green light?" Instead what we have is a White House that is now trash-talking Syria. Could this be setting the stage for an eventual attack on that country by Israel? The administration is helping it along by refusing to talk to Syria. Tim Russert, on Meet The Press, quoted a former Bush administration official criticizing his former employees for failing to deal with the Syrians. The Neo-Cons don't want peace; they want to bring the Middle East under their control. Condoleeza Rice showed how totally controlled this White House is by the Israel lobby, when she refused to criticize (on MTP) Israel's use of excessive force in Lebanon.

All this means that we should expect more of the same. Israel will continue to destroy Lebanon. Hezbollah will not be defeated. Eventually we will see a military clash between Israel and Syria. That will eventually lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran. That is the ultimate goal of the Neo-Cons anyway.

The war in Lebanon also serves the purpose of diverting attention away from the Iraq fiasco. A war that even the Bushies don't believe can be won. The fact that hundreds of thousands of Shiite in Iraq were calling for the death of Israel and America is proof of how badly its going.

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