Daily Revolt

July 25, 2006

Bush to Israel: Keep It Up

ABC reported yesterday that Israel deliberately bombed cleared marked ambulances in Lebanon. This should be enough to cause an uproar in the United States. Instead we get silence. Israel now realizes their military action will not achieve the goal of destroying Hezbollah. What we can expect now is continued fighting that will drag in the United States further.

What is the Bush administration? They have sent Condoleeza Rice, after days of allowing Israel to carry out excessive bombing in Lebanon, to pretend that the neo-con controlled administration is interested in "resolving" the dispute. They want what the Israelis want: destruction of all of their enemies. This indifference will eventually lead to military confrontation with Syria and attacks on Iran. This could lead to World War III as Newt Gingrich argued is already happening.

All the while, Israel's devastating of Lebanon is perfect propaganda for the same terrorists Bush claims he is trying to destroy. The President could've told Ehud Olmert that trying to destroy an enemy by bombing them alone would not work. The Israeli Prime Minister was trying to avoid politically unpopular casualties to troops in an invasion of Lebanon. As a result, he's caused devastation to a country that will lead to more hatred of Israel which will only lead to more terrorist attacks against them. Bush being the fumbler that he is, is now in the mess of having to worry about 3 wars. Iraq has taken a back seat which has only worsened the military picture there. NBC reported this morning that insurgents are flooding into Iraq to fight us there.

Tragically, Americans have largely succumbed to the myth Israel is merely defending itself against terrorists and helping us by doing so. The truth is that Hezbollah has no history of attacking Americans. The only time they have was in 1983 when they bombed American troops in Lebanon killing hundreds of our troops. But that was a legitimate attack, despite the terrible loss of so many of our people. Now with Israel trying to destroy Hezbollah, that organization will view the U.S. as the enemy as much as the Jewish State and feel the need commit terrorist attacks against Americans at home. In any case, the Lebanese and Muslim world view the U.S. as a culprit in allowing Israel to attack Lebanon the way it has. This will serve to promote more terrorism, not less.

The question now is whether Bush is stupid enough to send troops to Lebanon the way Reagan did in 1982. We can only expect the worst. Since the president, and his administration, are in the back pocket of Israel, expect the situation in Lebanon to spiral out of control. It is only a matter of time before Israel attacks Syria and at that point all hell will break loose. This will lead to the Russians providing Iran or Syria with military aid (just as they did with Saddam Hussein while we invading Iraq) which will bring us into direct conflict with that country.

Since Israel has a green light to do what it wants, the U.S. is helpless to do anything about it. Not only is the administration beholden to Israel but the Congress is overwhelmingly submissive to the Israeli lobby. In addition, you have the pro-Israel media (especially FOX) that essentially gives us only propaganda. As a result, the American people do not really know what is going on and why.

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