Daily Revolt

August 01, 2006

Hezbollah is Winning the Propaganda War

Yesterday on Lou Dobbs Middle Eastern expert, Fawaz Gerges, put the invasion in perspective:

"It seems to me that, far from weakening Hezbollah, if we are, if we were to believe the polls and the studies we have done, that Hezbollah has become more emboldened and more empowered by Israel's military campaign, because, Lou, most of the casualties have been civilians.

And many Lebanese, initially, when I talk to Lebanese, many Lebanese were highly critical of Hezbollah. Hezbollah miscalculated monstrously. But many Lebanese are asking now, look, why Israel, I mean, targeting the entire Lebanese infrastructure? Why the population? Why the bridges? Why the seaport? Why the port? And this is why Hezbollah is gaining tremendously in public opinion, not just in Lebanon, but throughout the Arab and Muslim world."

Here is how it the Washington Times (a pro neo-con newspaper) reported the reality today:
"'The world's perception right now is that we'd do anything to support Israel and go to any lengths to protect it,' one U.S. official said. 'There is a sense that not only are U.S.-supplied weapons killing Arab children, but that we are co-conspirators.' A European diplomat said people in the region feel that the United States has a double standard and does not appear to be concerned about Arab civilians as much as for Israelis."

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