Daily Revolt

August 13, 2006

It was a Bad Week for Bush, Israel, and the Neocons

It was quite a coincidence. On Tuesday, Neocon Senator Joseph Lieberman was defeated in the Democratic primary, then Thursday we learn that the British foiled a terror plot that was to take place within days or weeks. Both issues are related. Terrorism has to do with the conflicts in the Middle East and the Neocons who make it worse.

Lieberman, being a true Neocon, says he would rather destroy his own party rather than abandon his loyalty to the State of Israel. The Bush administration responded in their typical fashion by accusing voters in Connecticut of appeasing terrorism. That is the kind of response you would expect from a White House with an approval rating of 33 percent.

Then there is Israel. Despite that countries Blitzkrieg in Lebanon they have failed to defeat Hezbollah. Now they have been forced to agree to a cease-fire that they have no intention of abiding by. The Lebanese, who were divided along religious groups are now united in their hatred of Israel and are declaring victory over the Israeli onslaught. Far from defeating Hezbollah, Israel has insured the survival and growth of that group. This will insure a greater threat to Israel in the years to come. The entire Muslim world has been inspired by Hezbollah's resistance against a powerful military funded by the United States. This also insures Americans will be further targets of terrorism in the future.

Despite the spectacular success by the British (not U.S. intelligence) in thwarting an imminent terror attack on Thursday, al Qaeda and their sympathizers will continue to plot to kill British and Americans. We don't really know how many cells are functioning within Britain and the United States. The anniversary of 9-11 is still yet to come. We must be very vigilant since al Qaeda tends to repeat attacks or double their efforts when they have failed. Bush would like to take credit for the foiled terror attack. But the truth is that America is still unprepared to fight terrorism. We have no domestic intelligence agency, unlike the British, that is set up to fight terrorism. We should be very concerned.

As long as we have a Neocon controlled President, who happens to be incredibly incompetent, there will be more failures. We will learn very soon that Bush has made us more vulnerable to terrorism, not less. You don't put out a fire by pouring more gasoline on it. This President is the best friend al Qaeda has -- not the Democrats. And I don't like the Democrats.

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