Daily Revolt

July 09, 2006

Isolated Bush More Dangerous

Time Magazine is proclaiming the end of "cowboy diplomacy." This could make the President even more dangerous. Mr. Bush is facing a crisis with North Korea that could lead to catastrophic results. The reason its gotten to this point is that Kim Jong Il senses a weak Bush presidency. In this world, weakness invites aggression.

Its starting to look a lot like the 1920s and 30s when Fascism and Communism became a threat. It happened because of weak and ineffective foreign policies in the U.S. and Europe. Ironically, it was all that swagger and tough talk from Mr. Bush that has provoked the thug ruler in North Korea. President Bush has been forced to back down because of his habit of biting off more than he can chew. In fact, he seems to be picking a fight with just about everyone, including his own party.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Bush has not given up his dream of causing as much trouble as possible. He still insists that the quagmire which is the Iraq war can still be won, somehow. He declared victory again just a few weeks ago when Zarqawi was wasted. The reality is that nothing has changed. We still have the horrible killing going on with no end in site. And the rape allegations against U.S. soldiers are having a devastating impact on morale of our troops. It also serves as the ideal propaganda fodder for the insurgents. We also are seeing a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan. President Bush has a lot on his plate. And he doesn't show any sign that he is capable of handling any of them.

What are we to do with the North Koreans? To put into a simply: ignore them. It is George Bush who has made this the crisis that it is now. Jung views himself as a player. And the President has given him the platform. The North Korean butcher also wants to divert attention from the famine that is going on his country. President Bush should instead of provoking this wannabe world conqueror, should instead offer humanitarian aide. Take the issue of North Korean nuclear arms to the UN and let them find an answer. George Bush should use the threat from Jung to call for a stronger nuclear deterrent. But don't take on Jung personally. That's exactly what he wants. Put the issue of nuclear proliferation on the table. This philosophy should also apply to Iran as well. In both cases Bush's trash talking has backfired.

But this isn't about diplomacy. We are talking about an ideology. The Bush crowd are about reformatting the world. Some might even call it neo-fascistic. You might even argue that Bush is a puppet of powerful ideological forces. Unfortunately for them they've picked the wrong person to manipulate. This President is arguably the most intellectually challenged in American history. Bush is probably one the most incompetent as well. That is quite a combination.

There doesn't seem to be any hope in site. As long as Geroge Bush is in the White House things can only get worse. He's not done creating havoc throughout the world. The only solution is if the Democrats take control over Congress in the Fall. If that happens maybe impeachment proceedings against Bush can begin. At the very least they can temper some of the excesses of this administration. The likelihood is George Bush will remain in office until January of 2009. Until then expect very dark days ahead.

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