Daily Revolt

June 24, 2006

Our welcome in Iraq is really beginning to run out. It seems there isn't a day that passes where some incident leads to Iraqi outrage directed at the U.S. forces in that country. This time around is the detaining of an 70-year-old cleric.

There are now daily stories on dozens of Afghan insurgents being killed. But it won't make a difference, as it didn't during the Vietnam war.

The Italians are reforming their constitution. Maybe we should reform ours and create the ability to recall incompetent presidents.

Schwarzenegger finally did the right thing in standing up to the president. He is arguing that if California allows National Guard troops to go to the border who is going to help with the natural disasters that are expected to hit that state. The governor doesn't want to happen what occurred in Louisiana last year.

Somalia is becoming another Iraq with its dangerous situation for reporters there.

The media predictably is exaggerating the threat that came from those wannabe terrorists in Miami. This arrest is no proof that our government is doing all needs to prevent a real terrorist attack. To this day there has been no arrest of any al Qaeda directed or inspired cell who were actually in the process of preparing for an attack on our soil. The bogus argument that the government has succeeded in preventing another 9-11 because there hasn't been another attack since then, is disproved by the fact 8 years passed between the first WTC attack and the second.

The press is correctly reporting on the Dems dishonest stance on the war in Iraq: "Politics at Play in Dems' Iraq Maneuvering"

It is scary that there are people willing to expose confidential data of Americans, including that of thousands of men and women in the military. It is time to treat the stealing or disseminating of personal info as a serious crime.

Just as in the U.S., there were those who warned about terrorists before they attacked in London.

Bush is at it again. He is grabbing more power through his CIA program of tracking the financial records of millions of Americans. Is anybody out there trying to stop this unprecedented violation of our civil liberties? We better wake up soon or we will lose our Republic.

William F. Buckley asks the question whether George W. Bush is stupid:
"If your assignment was to write an essay on the stupidity of President Bush, you could start in with some confidence. The reason for this is that George W. Bush hasn't any flair for the spoken word, so that you can take specimens of this weakness and deduce, for your composition on G.W. Bush, that he is stupid."

This article makes an argument for economic justice⁄equity:
"What is it about a bigger differential between the richest and poorest that leads to worse average health? Intuitively, we can see that not everyone shares the same stress in a bigger-gap society and those lower down suffer more of the slings and arrows of misfortune rained down from above. There is less caring and sharing in society when the gap is in our face."

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