Daily Revolt

June 22, 2006

The Bush gang is on pace for an attack on Iran. They have given an ultimatum to that Middle Eastern country. This means that an attack on Iran is coming in September or October. That's right -- in time for the Congressional elections.

American soldiers are starting to die in Afghanistan in numbers similar to Iraq. Therefore, its not necessary Zawahiri put out videos encouraging rebellion. Its already happening. All the politicians can do is try to manipulate the news to make it seem it isn't as bad. But you can't hide the truth. Especially when the supposed leader of Afghanistan (Karzai) admits that the war on terror is a failure.

The Republican controlled Senate refuses to consider an increase in the minimum wage. What they don't understand is that the economy is weaker because the rate has not been raised in almost a decade.

Hamas has come around to accepting the idea of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. It won't matter. The Israeli government will find excuses to avoid negotiations. And more importantly, the U.S. government, which is beholden to the Israeli lobby, won't urge peace. The Bush administration is totally under the control of the neo-cons whose objective is to destroy Islamic countries not negotiate a Palestinian state. The press, as well, isn't reporting Hamas' concession as a positive step.

Some officials are calling for a shoot down of that North Korean missile if they go ahead with the test. This situation could spiral out of control.

Los Angeles could be hit by a terrible Earthquake sometime in the near future. Scientists are warning that the San Andreas fault is moving in a manner not experienced in centuries.

The insurgency is apparently returning to a policy of kidnappings as a way of influencing public opinion in the West. The killing of those 2 American soldiers was devastating for U.S. morale.

If you're wondering where the WMDs are. Apparently some Republican members of Congress have found them. Its just that we don't know about it yet.

The Federal government wants to protect us from al Qaeda from they can't prevent some teenage hacker from getting into their computers.

What is worse than a war started under false pretenses, squandering the lives of young servicemen and women? The treatment of the families of those died in that war:
"There is something immoral about withholding compensation children are due,
just because their father was killed in the "war on terror" before January 2005.
There is no reasonable economic argument that can be made against adequately
providing for those dependents of troops who die in service to their

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