Daily Revolt

June 21, 2006

The U.S. military is admitting that there will be "significant" fighting in Afghanistan for some time to come. In other words, we are losing the forgotten war.

Another Saddam Hussein lawyer has been murdered.

Congress is finally trying to do the right thing by requiring oil companies pay the royalties that are expected from the privilege of drilling for oil. Although, its pretty easy nowadays to pick on that industry.

Bush to the European leaders: do as I say not as I do.

Apparently even the Democrats are split on what to do on the war in Iraq. Some are more interested in playing politics than doing the right thing.

The U.S. is considering whether to shoot down that North Korean test missile. Its a very dangerous situation. The Bush administration has done everything to make the matter worse and won't negotiate with the irrational North Korean rulers.

Dan Rather's departure from CBS is turning into quite a soap opera. The reporters bias has finally caught up with him.

Why isn't the conviction of former Bushy, David Safavian, getting much attention? He was found guilty of obstruction of justice related to his involvement with Jack Abramoff. Sounds like a major scandal to me.

If it weren't bad enough for senior citizens with major medical costs, now we learn that drug prices jumped to 4 times the cost of inflation in the first quarter of this year.

This San Francisco Chronicle op-ed on Hillary is brutal:
"HOW DO YOU triangulate between death, hypocrisy and stupidity? Not at all logically, which is why U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton's dissembling on Iraq has become a fatal embarrassment not only for her, but for anyone who hopes she can provide progressive leadership for the nation. If she has still not found the courage to reverse course on this disastrous war, why assume that as president she would behave any differently?"

Yes It is valid to compare Dwayne Wade with Michael Jordan. Miami won their first NBA title because Wade was magnificent. He won the MVP in his playoff final. No even Jordan can brag of a 4 game performance like what Flash gave in this series.

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