Daily Revolt

June 25, 2006

Iraq is in Chaos

More evidence that the administration ignored the CIA on the non-existence of WMDs in Iraq prior to the war:
"US administration officials chose to ignore a CIA officer's warnings that an Iraqi defector's claims of purported biological labs made by Iraq for germ warfare were unproven, The Washington Post has reported."

Iraq is in chaos despite the government's "reconciliation" plan:
"The Iraqi government declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew Friday after insurgent gunmen set up roadblocks in central Baghdad and opened fire on U.S. and Iraqi troops just north of the heavily fortified Green Zone."

Maybe if Saddam came back he could restore order to Iraq. He certainly thinks that it will happen. Never mind that he's on his way to the firing squads.

Iraq is not the only place where you have large numbers of fanatics running rampant. Try the World Cup in Germany where 400 English hooligans were arrested. And this despite the English having not lost...yet.

Afghanistan has its own Zarqawi. And he has only one leg:
"This year's armed push by the Taliban has been the biggest and bloodiest since they lost Kabul in 2001, and Dadullah is believed to be spearheading it. The surge of suicide bombings, school burnings and guerrilla ambushes has killed more than 100 Afghan civilians and at least 40 Coalition soldiers, including 24 U.S. troops. For the first time in memory, Taliban guerrillas under Dadullah have succeeded in capturing government installations in the remote south, if only for brief periods. (Some of those raids are documented in the new recruitment videos, obtained by NEWSWEEK from an Afghan involved in making copies for distribution.) Villagers say that ever-increasing numbers of Taliban fighters are roaming the countryside, entering villages at night—sometimes even in broad daylight—and warning the inhabitants not to cooperate with the Americans or their allies, on pain of death."

Japan sees the writing on the wall and are pulling out of Iraq.

Are the blogs taking over?:
"Markos Moulitsas Zuniga is sitting on his back porch in Berkeley, Calif., listening to the hummingbirds and explaining his plans to seize control of the Democratic Party. It is one week after YearlyKos, the Las Vegas conference of progressives that Moulitsas sponsored and promoted heavily on his popular liberal blog, DailyKos.com. Every major media outlet in the country had attended the conference, detailing the spectacle of Democratic bigwigs (including the party's Senate minority leader and four of its leading 2008 presidential aspirants) embracing Moulitsas as the guru of an activist movement they were eager to exploit."

Stories of U.S. servicemeatrocitieses in Iraq continue to undermine our morale, thus the war effort:
"Two U.S. soldiers have been charged in connection with the shooting death of an unarmed Iraqi civilian, the U.S. military said on Sunday, the latest case to come to light of alleged abuses by American troops."

Is the Abramoff scandal coming to the White House?:
"Wanted: Face time with President Bush or top adviser Karl Rove. Suggested donation: $100,000. The middleman: lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Blunt e-mails that connect money and access in Washington show that prominent Republican activist Grover Norquist facilitated some administration contacts for Abramoff's clients while the lobbyist simultaneously solicited those clients for large donations to Norquist's tax-exempt group."

Sudan is another Iraq-type disaster but without the attention:
"Sudan has suspended the work of a U.N. mission in its violent Darfur region after accusing the world body of transporting a rebel leader who opposes a recent peace deal, a Sudanese official said on Sunday."

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