Daily Revolt

June 13, 2006

Are Americans Losers?

The embarrassing defeat by the highly ranked U.S. soccer team yesterday at the World Cup is only the latest case of an American national sports team losing or giving a disgraceful performance. In the previous summer Olympics the powerful U.S. basketball, made up of superstar players, didn't even win a medal; losing against the lowly Puerto Rican team. There were many disappointments during those games for the U.S. team. During the Winter Olympic games this year the American national team gave a disappointing performance with what was touted as the best U.S. team ever. During those same Olympics, the men's powerful hockey team played poorly and went without winning a medal. Prior to the start of the MLB season a U.S. team made up of some of best baseball players, not only failed to win an International championship but played poorly against weaker teams. In one case, our team lost to a Canadian team consisting of minor leaguers. We couldn't even win at our national pastime - Baseball.

It would seem that Americans have become accustomed to expect failure in sports just as we lose in other arenas. A handful of fanatical thugs brought us to our knees 5 years ago. We are now losing two wars in the Middle East ostensively being fought to defeat International terrorism. We are hated internationally. In the economic sphere, we have become the greatest debtor nation in the history of the world. Our industries are all being shipped abroad and we depend on foreigners, some of whom are hostile to America, to pay our bills. The U.S. car industry, once the marvel of the world, is dying out - or least on American soil. Our educational system is inferior to that of many other European countries. Our entertainment industry is woeful. We've chosen two consecutive Presidents, unpatriotic scoundrels that have done nothing but help to undermine our country. We've come to accept mediocrity as a nation. America is no longer a great nation. Lets face it, we are a nation of losers.

Shocker: the killing of Zarqawi has done nothing for Bush in the polls. The American people still think the President stinks. They still believe that the Iraq War is a mistake. Looks like Bush will need to wag that dog harder. Maybe an attack on Iran would do the trick. Or if somehow he could ignore the threat of an imminent terrorist attack and allow it to happen. He needs something, anything.

Crime is on the rise. The increase in 2005 was the worst in 15 years. Governments cutting funds for police forces, the result of budget crunches, is leading to this surge. We can thank Bush and his deficits for this one as well. In any case, a jump in the crime was inevitable. We will always be a crime ridden society as long as we don't solve the root cause of crime. Throwing people in jail is no cure for crime. As long as we have a lax criminal justice system along with a culture that glorifies violence, we will be plagued by crime.

Karl Rove has dodged a bullet, this time. He won't be charged in the Plame leak scandal.

The world markets are continuing to plunge. A crash is a fact of all speculative activities. Unless the Fed and the President step in investor gloom could take over. Don't forget that the Republicans were in charge in 1929. We need to start worrying about the stock market.

Is the chief whistle blower on the NSA domestic spying program being silenced? This blog thinks so.

What is fueling the insurgency in Iraq? Try corruption.We know what is fueling the war in Afghanistan: Heroin. While the British and Americans occupy that country, we are seeing record opium production that is paying for the insurgency. And we all know where that opium, made into Heroin, is going to end up. That is obviously not a priority of this president.

Scary: The department responsible for protecting us from al Qaeda allows individuals with ridiculously fake IDs to enter the building housing Homeland Security. One individual, testing the security system at the Department of Homeland Security, was allowed to enter the building with ID describing his address as "123 Fraud Blvd."

Drudge's sensationalism is becoming passe. He has historically been willing to present any article no matter how trivial or scandalous. He is more scandal mongering than patriotic. For example, the headline appearing on his site: "CANADIAN TERRORISM SUSPECTS ALLEGE ABUSE IN JAIL..." There is no context. Of course, terrorists suspects would claim abuse. They know that claims of abuse against Western governments will get International attention (i.e., Guantanamo). Or how about: "Beckham family lampooned by German tabloid..." Who cares? Have the blogs made Drudge irrelevant?

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