Daily Revolt

March 28, 2006

Illegal Immigration: How We Lost America

It was an impressive demonstration of people power. Hundreds of thousands of emotional protesters demonstrating throughout the country. Unfortunately, those protestors weren't rising up in defense of America. Instead, many of the demonstrators waved Mexican flags, and chanted in Spanish. This wasn't in Mexico it was on the streets of major cities in America. The sea of people marched in favor of those who were breaking U.S. law. They were speaking out behalf of people whom they call "undocumented workers." The people feel aggrieved and victimized by the government.

Aren't we the real victims? Those who are seeing their wages stifled because illegal immigrants are a cheap source of labor? Where are the counter demonstrators on behalf of America, her borders and her laws? Where are they while their leaders sell out this country? The Congress votes and we fiddle. They vote to reward law breaking and we groan. There are very few speaking out. Patriots like Lou Dobbs sound the alarm day after day and we just nod our heads in agreement and go back to minding our businesses.

The Congress passed a major immigration statute 20 years ago. That led to even greater illegal immigration. Now those seem illegal aliens' children have become voters. The politicians know that to turn their backs on this vote is stand the chance of losing their jobs. George Bush used that vote to get himself elected Governor and of Texas and President of the United States. This is why he has paid only lip service to the issue of illegal immigration. Being a good agent of the powerful ruling class, he knows that illegal aliens are a source of cheap labor. Therein lies the root of the matter. Its all about big profits and little pay.

For decades now, along with the cheap labor coming over the border from Mexico, we've seen the systematic destruction of the manufacturing base in America. We import just about everything. Why? Just like the "undocumented workers," its all about getting the cheapest labor. American workers live too well. We get benefits and a minimum wage. That is unacceptable to the ruling class, of which Mr. Bush is a member in good standing. Does it matter that China is one of the most repressive regimes in the world? Hardly! In fact, didn't Yahoo and Google help the Communist Chinese to spy on its citizens? How do compete with that. We are just little people. We can't change things. Or do we care? If we cared wouldn't we be on the streets as well demanding that our government not sell us out? We are sheep being led to the slaughter.

We tend to confuse the issue. It isn't really about 11 million illegals aliens. They are just the symptom. The issue is businesses breaking the law by hiring poor miserable Mexicans to do work for less than the minimum wage with no benefits. If the law were enforced, as the 1986 immigration reform law required, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Because without a demand for illegal immigrants there wouldn't be a supply. Very few people would come to the United States, risking their lives to find work illegally. You wouldn't need higher fences or more border police. And many of those millions of illegal immigrants would go back to their native countries. So why are we talking about amnesty. That's what the politicians want. They want to divert your attention. They want to play politics by pitting Americans against Mexicans. They don't want you to catch on to them. So they'll talk to you about bigger fences, more border agents and a guest worker program - which we need anyway. What they won't tell you is that its about the cheap labor. But we are to blame if we know what the facts are do not demand our government act. Just like the protesters in California and elsewhere.

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