Daily Revolt

October 23, 2006

Stock Market Booming: Who Cares?

The stock market is setting records. But does anyone, other than the wealthy, really care? Most of those gains aren't going to working people. Just ask anyone who is trying to provide for their families on a "middle class" salary. Americans are working longer hours for less pay. Home owners are forced to take second mortgages to pay the bills. They are up to their necks in debt. If you are CEO of a corporation, you get bonuses if the stock goes up regardless of your performance. And if you are fired you get a golden parachute worth several million dollars. We have an economy that is being sustained by debt. It will eventually all come to a crashing halt. So Wall St. can enjoy its orgy because Main St. is too busy surviving to notice.

William Bennett is one of America's greatest Conservatives. Tragically, he has become a shill for a White House that makes fun of people like him. He is now taking the tact of making apologies for a foreign policy that has turned America into a pariah:
It is fashionable in some precincts to condemn the United States. We have not been popular in the Middle East for many years, and the university class (in Europe, especially) has a "sophisticated" view that is aped by academia in much of the U.S. professoriate.

What he doesn't understand is that America is under attack because his leader has turned it that way. George Bush, who is not a Conservative, is destroying the movement:
But many millions of people around the world love America, Americans and the things America represents. If [people] virtually anywhere in the world ... saw a group of soldiers coming over the hill and could pick which flag they were carrying, the American flag would still be the choice of many.

You've got it all wrong. America's is not hated because so many want to come here and live better lives. We are hated because U.S. foreign policy is detrimental to so many in the World. Or it is perceived that way. Our government supports too many dictatorships (mostly oil states or those who support our pro-oil policies) that oppress people. Those people in turn view a prosperous America supporting tyrants who keep them poor and oppressed, as oppressors. U.S. politicians then hypocritically claim that we supporting democracy. Like the occupation the of Iraq, for example.

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