Daily Revolt

October 22, 2006

State Department Poll: Iraqi Youth Want us Out

What greater indicator that we need to get out of Iraq than the youth of that country wanting us out:
Majorities of Iraqi youth in Arab regions of the country believe security would improve and violence decrease if the U.S.-led forces left immediately, according to a State Department poll that provides a window into the grim warnings provided to policymakers.

Those same same youths are becoming the "insurgents" fighting Americans. I wonder if Mr. Bush considers that majority "terrorist sympathizers." How do you justify occupying a country and fighting on behalf of a people that don't want you there? Unless, of course, we are there as conquerors. It's starting to become clear that Bush's invasion was a war of conquest. George and Neoncons don't want to give up what they took over.

Maybe others in the military can show the courage demonstrated by State Department official, Alberto Fernandez, who called the U.S. Iraq policy "stupid." If the Democrats were smart they would approach this gentleman and ask him to run for President. If not, the current front runner should follow his courageous example.

It seems that everyone and their brother is turning against the war. That is the case with Kevin Tillman, brother of killed NFL player-turned Army Ranger, Pat Tillman. Kevin is also an Army Ranger. He, like his brother, Pat, joined the Army in response to the 9-11 attacks. Kevin's brother tragically died at the hands of his own troops. An embarrassed military tried to cover-up the circumstances surrounding the death. I hope those who blindly support the Iraq fiasco listen to Kevin. No one can argue that he is an al Qaeda apologist.

You want to know who runs U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East? Then look no further. The FBI is investigating whether Congresswoman Jane Harmon was working with AIPAC, the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group, to get her reappointed as the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. The Lobby, as AIPAC is affectionately referred to, can literally dictate who governs America. The current White House is controlled by many who are tied to that lobbying organization. Its the same reason why we are in Iraq.

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