Daily Revolt

October 10, 2006

North Korea Trying to Blackmail U.S.

The crisis is spiraling out of control with the paranoid North Koreans:
North Korea stepped up its threats aimed at Washington, saying it could fire a nuclear-tipped missile unless the United States acts to resolve its standoff with Pyongyang, the Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday from Beijing.

Mr. Bush, who is trying to change the debate in Washington with the Foley scandal, has to tone down the rhetoric. The situation could dangerously spiral out of control.

We must deal with the North Korean ruler, Kim Jung Il, like a spoiled child -- a dangerous child. We musn't give him what he craves the most, attention. And we must certainly not rattle the saber as Bush has been doing. No direct talks as the North is demanding. Let's lead UN efforts to deal with this matter. Don't undermine them, as Bush has done since he took office. We should also subtly insist the Chinese speak forcefully to their client, the North Koreans. Use the threat of a new arms race to get all sides to act to defuse the situation. We should also shame the North Koreans by pointing out how comfortably Kim Jung lives while his people starve. We need to use the carrot and stick approach. Offer them economic incentives to stop the nuclear testing. Reassure the North we do not plan an invasion but always leave that doubt in Kim's mind so that he does not try to bully us or the South Koreans.

I was shocked to hear yesterday a FOX host (not a commentator) calling for military action:
Maybe a military response is the only way to send a message that the cost would be unmistakeable to both Kim Jung Ill and Ahmadinejad of Iran.

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