Daily Revolt

December 07, 2006

The Face of Apartheid in Israel

It is a sign of where Israel is headed. Rather than moving towards a more just society for Palestinians, the Jewish state is headed towards greater racial division - apartheid. There is no greater proof of this than the inclusion in the Israeli cabinet a man who has been described as a racist by Arab Israelis.

Avigdor Lieberman, is in charge of "developing Israel’s strategy on Iran." The Russian emigre believes dialogue with Iran is a total waste of time and called that country the "biggest threat facing the Jewish people since the Second World War." He believes Israel should be "prepared to deal alone with this problem," referring to Iran.

But even more controversial is Lieberman's views on the treatment of Palestinians in Israel:
Mr. Lieberman’s most provocative plan calls for dividing Jews and Arabs into two homogeneous states, a proposal his Arab critics often describe as racist.

It gets better:
[...]Mr. Lieberman wants to revamp Israel’s citizenship laws. All Israelis, Jews and Arabs would have to pledge loyalty to the state and recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Those who refuse could be permanent residents, but would no longer be citizens, he said.

Oh, by the way, he also believes 'The leadership of Hamas needs to go to heaven.'

With someone like this as a member of the Israeli government the chances of peace in the Middle East are remote.

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