Daily Revolt

December 06, 2006

Bin Laden Getting the Last Laugh

Just in case you've forgotten what we have supposedly been fighting against over the last the 5 years, Bin is still believed to be alive:
U.S. intelligence agencies think al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri are alive and still plotting attacks, even though both have eluded a massive manhunt for more than five years since the September 11 terrorist attacks.

It's a testament to our government's failure that we don't know for sure if Bin Laden is alive or dead. We went into Afghanistan with the specific reason of bringing him to justice. Today there is some question whether his capture is even a priority.

But the most upsetting part of all, the Taliban who harbored Bin Laden before 9-11 are making a comeback. It's happening while we ignore the conflict in Afghanistan and focus on a diversionary war in Iraq. Ironically, al Qaeda is helping to kill Americans in Iraq. Bin Laden must be a happy man -- if he is alive. If not, he is resting in peace. The movement he helped found is more popular than ever and killing more Americans than ever. This while we debate in the U.S. on our next step.

Militant Islam is asserting itself worldwide. They are even players in Africa, responsible for much of the horror in Darfur. It would seem that the Jihad replaced Soviet Communism as a international threat. As with Communism, U.S. politicians are unable to stop the expansion. Although some might dispute this, believing that Reagan's anti-communism had something to do with the fall of the Soviet empire. Those same people are naive in believing that Bush has given us the upper hand against the terrorists. I believe we are just merely playing defense.

We will never succeed in destroying global Jihadism until we develop a world strategy that has the same intellectual and emotional appeal that Communism and Islam have. America, and the West, must stand for than just materialism. Democracy is the answer. But that democracy must ring true to the masses. It is the failure to make the democratic case in Iraq, and elsewhere, that has gotten us into a mess. The West is corrupt, motivated only by the almighty dollar (or whatever the name of the currency in that particular country). Jihadists have something we don't have: a fanatical conviction. Right now, for example, we are at war and act as if we weren't. al Qaeda terrorists are willing to suffer any hardship for their cause. We are willing send our soldiers to fight and die, but are unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices to win a war against international Jihadism. That's why the parallels between Vietnam and Iraq are so great. We are fighting but in the wrong place and in the wrong way.

There is no greater indication of how corrupt than the fact that our last two presidents have been scoundels in the last 4 presidential elections. It's also a indication by the fact that we are allowing dynasties rather choosing leaders from different walks of life. George Dubya is President because his father was president. That's not democracy; It's monarchy. The current Democratic front runner could become President simply because she was the wife of Bill Clinton. Also undemocratic. The Jihadists don't trouble replacing their leaders. Remember Zarqawi? His death was suppposed to have caused the collapse of the insurgency. Movements don't have problems replacing their leaders. Our own revolution was rich with leadership. No, I'm not equating the American revolution with al Qaeda. I'm merely pointing out a historical fact.

Bush doesn't believe in democracy. He is an elitist; a plutocrat. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. His family has close ties to the Saudi Monarchy. Remember who was allowed to fly out of the country right after 9-11 when everyone else was grounded. The American people must fight fanatically for democracy (our constitution is the best example of that ideology). If we did that then there wouldn't be any Bin Laden's or Presidents named George Bush.

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