Daily Revolt

November 13, 2006

Chris Mathews goes GaGa for Hillary

Did you catch that hysterical commentary from Chris Mathews this weekend? He is under the impression that Hillary is some great statesperson. He uses terms like "she's a natural" and has "proven ability to win over colleagues." Is that why so many are looking elsewhere for leadership? Like Barack Obama? Her position on the Iraq War is down right dishonest:
And ask the generals who say that this member of the Armed Services Committee could well be the best prepared senator there is in that life-and-death world.

Best prepared? You've got to be kidding. Is he talking about Ms. Clinton or Nancy Pelosi? She is one of the most polarizing politicians in America. Her negatives will ensure that she does not become President. He admits her deficiencies by calling for her to become the Senate majority leader:
By bringing the Senate together, she'll demonstrate that she has the grand and necessary ability to bring us together.

I got news for you, Mr. Mathews. Hillary is no leader. In fact, she won't even run for President. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Obviously what your smoking now is not doing it for you.

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