Daily Revolt

November 11, 2006

Bush Beating the Drums of War with Iran

The administration is increasing its rhetoric as it relates to Iran. This is an indication that an attack on that country is coming. The talk is similar to that leading up to the invasion of Iraq:
The White House branded Iran and Hezbollah on Saturday as a "global nexus of terrorism" and applauded an Argentine court for seeking the arrest of former Iranian officials in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center.

The Israelis, whom recently announced that they might just have to attack Iran, are already carrying out operations in the Gaza strip that have led to atrocities. It is clear the U.S. will not utter a word of criticism. The Israelis have a free hand, as far as the White House is concerned. Which leads to the question: does the new Democratic majority have any intention of opposing any attack on Iran by Bush or the Israelis? Or will they just go along in order to appease the powerful Israeli lobby in Washington?

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