Daily Revolt

January 07, 2008

Hillary Clinton Self-Destructed

Different candidate same self destruction. In 2004 it was Howard Dean, this time it is Hillary Clinton. In the case of the New York Senator, she seems to be showing her true self after following a carefully developed script for months, maybe years. She's become desperate and does not know what to do or say, so she might've abandoned her talking points. And without that script she is lost. Then again, those tears look kind of phony. It could be a Clintonesque ploy:
Hillary Clinton became visibly emotional at a New Hampshire campaign event today after a friendly question from a voter.

At the close of a Portsmouth campaign stop, Marianne Pernold-Young, 64, asked Clinton: "How do you do it? How do you keep up ... and who does your hair?"

Clinton said she had help with her hair on "special days," and that she drew criticism on the days she did not.

Then she added: "It's not easy, and I couldn't do it if I just didn't, you know, passionately believe it was the right thing to do.

"You know, I have so many opportunities from this country, I just don't want to see us fall backwards," she said, her voice breaking a bit. The audience applauded.

"This is very personal for me, it's not just political, it's [that] I see what's happening, we have to reverse it," she said emotionally, adding that some "just put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult odds.

"But some of us are right and some of us are wrong. Some of us ready and some of us are not. Some of us know what we will do on day one, and some of us really haven't thought that through enough."

"So as tired as I am and I am. And as difficult as it is to try and keep up what I try to do on the road, like occasionally exercise and try to eat right -- it's tough when the easiest food is pizza -- I just believe so strongly in who we are as a nation. So I'm going to do everything I can and make my case and you know the voters get to decide."

Then there was those bizarre comments that couldn't have been scripted. This could've killed any chance she had of coming back, especially with the help of African-Americans:
"I want to read to you something Senator Obama said today about your contention that he offers false hopes," Garrett said.

Garrett then read from Obama's remarks earlier today, which were, per ABC News' Sunlen Miller, "How have we made progress in this country? Look, did John F. Kennedy look at the moon and say ‘Ahhhh, it’s too far. We can’t do that. We need a reality check.' Dr. King standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. ‘You know, this Dream thing,it’s a false hope. We can’t expect equality. False hopes.'

"Let me tell you something about hope," Obama continued. "I do talk about hope quite a bit. Out of necessity. There is no odds maker who would have said that I would be standing here when I was born in 1961. My parents come from different corners of the planet. They separated when I was two, My father left my mother. Single mom raised me with my grandparents. Could only offer me love and education and hope."

After reading to her the part of that quote that dealt with MLK, Garrett asked Clinton, "Do you have a reaction to that?"

Said Clinton, "Dr King’s dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when he was able to get through Congress something that President Kennedy was hopeful to do, the president before had not even tried, but it took a president to get it done."

She continued; "That dream became a reality, the power of that dream became real in people’s lives, because we had a president who said ‘we’re going to do it,’ and actually got it done."

Maybe Clinton's tears came after learning that her national lead in the polls has disappeared:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama each drew 33% of the support from Democrats surveyed in its latest national poll, Gallup just announced.

In mid-December, well before Obama won last Thursday's Democratic caucuses in Iowa, Clinton held an 18-percentage point lead over him in Gallup's survey -- 45% to 27%. The closest the two had been in a previous Gallup poll: Clinton's 37% to Obama's 36% in early June.

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