Daily Revolt

December 01, 2006

Poor Give More to Charity than Rich

Destroying a myth:
People at the lower end of the income scale give almost 30 percent more of their income than do those who make $1 million or more.

Another reason why we should defend religious faith from those who want to destroy it, like the ACLU:
Religion is the single biggest predictor as to whether someone will be charitable. Religious people give to four times as much to charity, and not just to their own church but also to outside organizations and even explicitly non-religious charities.

Another myth destroyed. Sorry, Hollywood elite and intellectual establishment:
Conservatives give about 30 percent more than liberals, even though on average conservative-headed families make slightly less money.

A generous nation:
“The fact is that Americans give more than the citizens of any other country. … They also volunteer more,” Brooks said. “Americans per capita individually give about three and a half times more money per year, than the French per capita. … Seven times more than the Germans and 14 times more than the Italians.”

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