Daily Revolt

January 22, 2007

Poll: Bush the Worst President Since Nixon

There is something terribly wrong with a man that doesn't seemed fazed by the universal condemnation of his administration. We need to be worried about just such a delusional President:
President Bush faces the nation this week more unpopular than any president on the eve of a State of the Union address since Richard Nixon in 1974.

Nixon was beleaguered by the Watergate scandal; for Bush, three decades later, it's the war in Iraq. With his unpopular troop surge on the table, his job rating matches the worst of his presidency: Thirty-three percent of Americans approve of his work in office while 65 percent disapprove, 2-1 negative, matching his career low last May.

Only three postwar presidents have gone lower — Jimmy Carter, Nixon and Harry Truman. And only one has had a higher disapproval rating, Nixon.

Isn't there someone out there that can get through to this man? Apparently he doesn't even listen to his father, the former President of the United States:
Today, by contrast, 71 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll say the country is headed seriously off on the wrong track — the most since budget battles led to a highly unpopular government shutdown in early 1996. Bush's war leadership clearly is the prime complaint: Sixty-four percent call the war a mistake, more than said so about Vietnam during that conflict.

Worse than Vietnam?! Are you listening?! A President who is impervious to public opinion is a monarch, not a democratically elected leader:
The intensity of sentiment, moreover, has only grown: Fifty-one percent of Americans now "strongly" disapprove of Bush's job performance overall, a majority for the first time. Just 17 percent strongly approve — a 3-1 negative ratio.

Through a partisan lens, three-quarters of Republicans continue to approve of Bush — but with much diminished vigor. There are only about half as many Republicans who "strongly" approve (42 percent) as there are Democrats who strongly disapprove (76 percent). And among two of his core support groups, conservatives and evangelical white Protestants, he's at career lows in overall approval.

How bad can it get? I don't think he's done. What makes him so dangerous is that he doesn't care. We better get him out of their before he does more damage. Impeachment is the only solution. His lying about a war that was a violation of international law is enough to impeach:
On a personal level, majorities now say Bush is not a strong leader (once his claim to fame), 56 percent say he can't be trusted in a crisis (another onetime mainstay), most don't see him as honest, two-thirds don't think he understands their problems and nearly as many don't think he listens to others' views. Fifty-five percent say he has not made the country more secure, his focus since 9/11.

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