Daily Revolt

January 27, 2007

Just Another Young Victim of a Sexual Predator

What is more common than a child being murdered or abducted by a sexual predator? The answer is the lack of outrage over this epidemic. I don't give a damn what the statistics might show. Something has to be done. The politicians don't care--there was no mention in the State of the Union speech. This issue has to be a priority. What does it say about a society that ignores the plight of the most innocent? It says that society is dying. America is heading toward an abyss. And we are just spectators to it. Its no wonder that we tolerate a government that is taking away our rights and plunging us into illegal wars of conquest. Sounds a lot like Europe before World War II:
A 6-year-old girl who was kidnapped Friday by a registered sex offender has been found. The little girl was found walking alone on a street in a town one over from where she lived.

Police are looking for George Richard Horner, 26. Horner is a registered sex offender and had been staying with the girl and her mother for a few days before the girl's kidnapping. The girl is not being identified because policed say she was sexually assaulted.

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