Daily Revolt

June 10, 2006

Now that we know the Duke rape charges are false, shouldn't the press now stop smearing those students. The press refuses to expose the truth about the accusers just as they ignored the truth about OJ Simpson during the first trial. Its all about the selling of papers and getting ratings - even if it means destroying the reputation of young people.

It was going to happen. Hamas would stop trying to make nice with Israel. Now the fight is on. Down the toilet goes the only hope for peace in the Middle East. And that's how the Israelis want it. They want to destroy the government of Hamas. The U.S., of course, did nothing to further the peace process since they are in the back pocket of the Israeli lobby.

In a sign that the Afghanistan War is being lost to the Taleban, the government is considering arming the very same people that wants to overthrow them. The growing strength of the al Qaeda supported Taleban (the same people we overthrew in 2001) is causing the U.S. backed central government to revert to desperate measures. Apparently, the Afghan army is too inept.

In the what-else-is-new file, the U.S. trade deficit has increased again. And that's exactly what big business wants. And what the multi-national corporations want they get.

Zarqawi death or not, the beat goes on in Iraq; more slaughter of innocents.

There are allegations that the U.S. outsourced torture to the Syrians. Don't know how true it is, but if the allegations are accurate it would be another shocking example of U.S. hyprocrisy when it comes to human rights.

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