Daily Revolt

April 25, 2006

More Proof of the Neo-Con Control Over This White House

This headline could've been written by an anti-Semite: "Top White House Posts go to Jews." This quote is the headline for an article found in the Jerusalem Post! It referred to the recent appointment of Joshua Bolten as the new chief of staff. The article made references to current and past members of the Bush cabinet that are Jewish. But what these individuals have in common is more than their religious faith. Its the political views they ascribe to. The neo-cons are obsessed with the welfare of the state of Israel. Although all Jewish Americans are not neo-cons many of the neo-cons are of that persuasion. And if they are not neo-cons many are supportive of the powerful Israeli-lobby in the U.S. Many fair minded people who are in the know have talked about the influence of neo-cons (neo-conservatives) over the Bush administration. And not all of them are anti-semites. What is particularly disturbing is how the neo-conservative philosophy pushed for war with Iraq long before 9-11 and are now pushing for war with Iran. They can get away with this sinister arrangement because anyone who dares challenge their influence is denounced as an anti-semite. This explains why for so long the Israeli lobby in the United States has essentially stamped out debate on the issue of the U.S.'s one-sided support for Israel. And this in turn explains why the Muslims are so angry towards us.

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