Daily Revolt

September 08, 2007

Israeli Jets in 'Iran-Attack Drill' Over Syria

The reason why this article is totally believable is because it appears in the normally pro-Israel NY Post. There is no question that an attack on Iran by the U.S. or Israel will happen before Bush is out of office. It has been the main goal of this neocon controlled administration, along with the Iraq invasion, to destroy Iran's military and bring about regime change there:
Israeli warplanes may have been testing air routes for a possible attack against Iran when they were fired on by Syrian forces, experts said yesterday.

[...]Israel's air force may have been testing an air path to Iran, in case it decides to carry out an attack against that country's nuclear facilities, analysts said.

[...]"But if we are left alone, the Israeli army is preparing to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat - if the political level allows it to - and this could have been a part of that."

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