Daily Revolt

August 15, 2007

U.S. Eyes Terror Tag for Iranian Force

Folks! This is setting the stage for war with Iran. The attack was postponed several times. Now it's a go. The dream of the Neocons all along has been to overthrow Iran, just as it was of Iraq. It was the goal long before 9-11. They just that tragic event as a pretext for the invasion of Iraq. It looks like King George will get his way with Congress as they did in 2003. Before the end of his presidency, the Dems will cave and give Bush the authority to attack Iran:
The U.S. government is involved in intense discussions over naming all or part of Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group in a move that would effectively declare "open season" on the organization, a senior official told CNN.

If made, the designation would come in the form of an executive order from President George W. Bush, the State Department official said.

Such a move would allow the Treasury Department to go after the finances of the group and those who do business with it.

The press is falling for the propaganda that the labeling of Quds a terrorist organization is only about allowing the administration to go "after the finances of the group and those who do business with it."
At least the BBC seems to recognize the ruse. The problem is the American media refuses to ask these same questions:
In the meantime, the drumbeat of American accusations against Iran for allegedly interfering in Iraq is growing. President George W Bush said at a news conference last week: "The American people should be concerned about Iran. They should be concerned about Iran's activity in Iraq, and they ought to be concerned about Iran's activity around the world."

The unanswered question is whether the new American move would be another step on a path to a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. There have been reports that Vice-President Dick Cheney does not want such an attack ruled out. Others suggest that the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prefers toughening up the diplomatic approach, which is why she is supporting this "terrorist" designation.

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