Daily Revolt

August 15, 2007

Gingrich Rips Bush on Immigration

Newt showing some backbone where other Republicans are wimps. Immigration would not be an issue if it were not for that fool in the White House. Therefore, Republicans should be blaming Bush. Especially those GOP Congresspersons who stand to lose their jobs because of Dubya's ineptitude:
Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, never shy of provocative rhetoric, had some sharp words for President Bush and Congress on Tuesday, saying he is "sickened" they are on vacation "while young Americans are being massacred by people who should not be here."

Gingrich said two suspects in the recent murders of three youths in Newark, N.J., turned out to be illegal immigrants with criminal records and that Bush should call Congress into special session to deal with the situation "if he is serious about winning the war here at home." Gingrich said he favors a national identification system to ferret out illegal immigrants who have committed felonies.

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