Daily Revolt

February 27, 2007

John Edwards: Treaty With Iran Possible

The problem is Bush is control. And he will be running the military for the next 2 years. Last night, on the local NY ABC affiliate I saw a report on Iran targeting the U.S. for terror attacks. What!? All of a sudden? This is nothing but propaganda. What is an ABC network station doing putting out propaganda for the White House. You expect that kind of stuff from FOX. With this kind of "news" coverage there is no hope that this President can be stopped from starting a war with Iran. We are getting closer. Edwards' proposal is naive and irrelevant:
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards told a group of New Hampshire voters Saturday that he would consider pursuing a nonaggression pact between the United States and Iran.

Edwards' statement came in answer to a voter's question at a house party in Nashua on Saturday morning. Asked about it later in an interview with ABC News, Edwards confirmed that he views such a treaty — in which the United States would promise not to attack Iran — as "a possibility down the road." But he emphasized that the Iranian government would first have to change its behavior in several areas.

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