Daily Revolt

September 14, 2007

Sources: White House Report to Show Slow Progress in Iraq

Mr.Bush gets a failing grade on Iraq. If he were a college student, rather than President of the United States, he would be flunking out. The only decent grades he would receive would be a result of cheating. Instead of wasting tuition dollars, George is squandering American tax dollars, by the count of $10 billion/a month. And if he were a student he would also be kicked out because of starting fights with fellow students:
A White House update on progress in Iraq will show meager gains have been made on the 18 benchmarks Congress established for the Iraqi government, said two sources familiar with the report.

President Bush will inform Congress on Friday that one of the benchmarks the Iraqis have been tasked with meeting has been upgraded to the satisfactory category since his initial assessment in July, said the two sources, who are not part of the White House.

Of the 18, the sources said nine are now rated satisfactory, five are unsatisfactory, two are unsatisfactory but with some progress, and two others can not be properly assessed.

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