Daily Revolt

August 23, 2007

Edwards Attacks Clinton-era Politics

Finally a candidate with the nerve to point out Billary's corrupt past. The problem is that it might not succeed in derailing Ms.Clinton's campaign. The press isn't curious about her scandalous White House (or Arkansas) days. They'll probably dismiss the charges as the words of a desperate candidate, which is Edwards:
Sharpening his rhetoric against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards used a combative speech here Thursday to cast his front-running rival for the Democratic presidential nomination as part of a "corroded" Washington culture that is neglecting the nation's problems and doing the bidding of powerful corporations.

The former North Carolina senator didn't mention Clinton by name, but he left no doubt he was condemning Clinton-era politics when he said the Lincoln Bedroom should not be "for rent" and cautioned that "nostalgia" was no reason to elect someone president.

Unfortunately voters seem willing to put pedigree above everything else. If elected, Hillary would further the Bush-Clinton dynasty for at least another 20 years. That would officially make us a banana republic:
"The problem with nostalgia is what we tend to do is only remember what you like and you forget the parts you didn't like," he said at an outdoor town-hall-style event.

"It's not just that the answers of the past aren't up to the job that we face today. It's that the system that produced them was corrupt and is still corrupt. It's controlled by big corporations, the lobbyists they hire to protect their bottom line, and the politicians who curry their favor and carry their water."

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