Daily Revolt

March 10, 2007

Dick Morris: Hillary's Experience --Ask Bill (He Doesn't Remember It)

Hillary running on Bill's record:
Is Hillary Clinton the Walter Mitty of presidential candidates when she takes credit for the successes of her husband's presidency?

Lately, she's been repeatedly linking herself to Bill's job creation, budget balancing, economic programs and domestic policies initiatives. There's a lot of “Bill and I” and "we” in her speeches. It's all part of the “bring back the Clinton years” theme that she rolls out to Democratic Party audiences.

She's added Co-President as part of her resume:
At the core of her highly disciplined campaign message is her claim that her “experience” in the White House and the Senate makes her uniquely qualified to move right into the Oval Office. According to Hillary, her two term co-presidency with Bill specially prepared her for the next Clinton administration and gives her exceptional credentials that no other candidate can match.

Bill has no recollecton:
Bill doesn't seem to recall her help and involvement on too many issues. Even on those relatively few things that she actually does take credit for in her book, the former president doesn't have the same recollections that she does about her important role in the White House.

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