Daily Revolt

March 03, 2007

Bush Looking for Scapegoats in Walter Reed Scandal

This President likes to say the Democrats don't support our troops. Well, it turns out that it is Bush who doesn't give a damn. And it is that treatment of our soldiers that is blowing up in his face. So what does he do--find scapegoats and appoints a commission:
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates sacked the civilian chief of the US Army Friday, saying he was "disappointed" with the service's defensive response to a scandal over the care of wounded troops at a top military hospital.

Already under fire for surging more troops to Iraq, the White House announced it was forming a bipartisan presidential commission to review the care given wounded servicemembers.

This is not to say that the Democrats are guiltless. Why did it take the press to expose this outrage. Where was the opposition party in all this, all these years?

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